5) Around fireplaces
Baby proofing your fireplace is crucial as they are usually in your front room, where you spend most of your time and are also in easy reach of little fingers from an early age. The best baby proofing for your fireplace will depend on what design you have, but don’t worry there are many options for you to choose from.
One of the most popular solutions is to keep your fireplace completely sealed off with a gate or fireguard so it’s out of reach. If possible buy an option that can attach to the wall, so it can’t be easily pulled over.
If a gate isn’t the solution for you, ensure your hearth is safe. If you have a flat hearth, this can be easily baby-proofed with the use of a soft mat. If you have a stepped hearth make sure you cover all of the edges with padding, you can either buy this specifically or DIY your own with connectable baby mats.
Whichever works best for you and your fireplace design.