Child Safety In The Home
- Tips
Tips to childproof your home. Helpful safety related home design hints from Luxaflex® Window Styling

Safety is a concern for everyone, especially parents. An important part of raising children is careful supervision of activities, as well as teaching responsible behaviour in the home. In addition, here are some tips for creating a safely appointed home, in which the risk of children’s unforeseen accident is greatly reduced.
- Shelves:
Make sure all shelves are free of splinters and paint chips. They should also be sturdy enough so children cannot pull them over on top of themselves, bolting freestanding shelves into the wall is the safest measure. - Furniture:
Reinforce wobbly legs and remove unsafe pieces. Cover sharp edges with cushioned covers. Discourage horseplay and jumping on sofas and chairs. - Fireplaces and heaters:
Cover the fireplace area with a childproof screen or block the entire area with furniture if possible. Keep sharp tools and flammable fluids out of reach. Never leave a child alone in a room when a fire is going. Do not place a heater within a child’s reach or close enough to beds and cribs for them to throw covers onto it. - Bath tubs: Never leave small children unattended in the bath, not even for an instant. Equipping the bath tub with non-slip mat is helpful but remember that porcelain can easily become a slippery and dangerous surface. A child can drown in less than two inches of water. You may want to cushion the taps and spout to protect your child in case of a fall.
- Kitchens:
Remove control knobs on the cooker when not in use. Keep the cooker and dishwasher doors locked latched at all times. Lock up plastic bags of all sizes. Keep cleaning products out of reach. - Electrical outlets and cords:
Cover all unused electrical outlets with plastic covers. Run cords under carpets if possible or safely secure to walls or skirting boards. Wrap up any loose cords and put them out of children’s reach. - Stairs:
Block off stairwells with gates at both the top and bottom. Keep stairs clear at all times, and teach children how to navigate steps carefully. If a guardrail does ‘not exist, install one taking care to set the bars close enough that your children cannot fit their heads between the bars. - Doors:
Keep doors closed and locked if necessary to prevent children from wandering outside unattended. For sliding glass doors, apply bright stickers at eye level, to alert them to the presence of glass. - Windows:
As children grow so does their curiosity with the world around them. Basic household items, including window coverings, can turn into potential hazards. Use window guards and locks with quick release features for easy emergency exits. If the window needs to be open for ventilation, install a lock that limits the size of the opening. Buyers and users of blinds should be aware of the hazards that can be posed by unrestrained cords, braids, loop chains and wires, which may be hazardous to young children. - The following guidelines should always be considered.
- Young children can be strangled by loops in pull cords, chains, tapes and inner cords that operate the product. They can also wrap cords around their necks.
- To avoid strangulation and entanglement, keep cords out of reach of young children.
- Move beds, cots and furniture away from window covering cords.
- Do not tie cords together. Make sure cords do not twist and create a loop.
- Install and use the safety devices according to the installation instructions on these devices to reduce possibility of such an accident.
Learn more about the Child Safety features of Luxaflex® products and get our free brochure “Designed with safety and comfort in mind” with tips on how to make your home safer.